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UL-3479 Power Pyramid (9 large Himalayan crystals)
Pyramid XL (6'' x 6'' X 6'') with Active / Passive technology, 81 degree (of inclination of the pyramid) VERY HIGH POWER, with TECHNOLOGY Orgo-Life power supply transformer.

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  • Ideal for wish manifestation, potency boost and ultimate power
  • The shape of the pyramid represents the fire element, its direction is South.
  • Similar to traditional incense (specifically sandalwood), this pyramid can be used to connect with divinity, ancestors, beings on higher planes (facing east).
  • Active allows to multiply x 1000 times the power
  • Bright LED that flashes to indicate Active mode
  • Also works great when not plugged in, in passive mode
  • Over 15 different stones inside for amazing benefits
  • Metal of Titanium, Copper, Iron, and Aluminum
  • Added Kunzite and Pyrite Stones

EN FR Pyramids Energy Illuminati Orgo Life.com 920px

  • Place in your work desk
  • Place in the meditation, prayer room
  • Place in the Yoga Room
  • Place in the meeting room
  • Place in bedroom of children and parents
  • Place in the dining room
  • Place in the living room
  • Place in treatment room

Use as a night light in any room of the house including the garage and the attic. Thanks to its indicator light which indicates that the unit is in active mode.


-More than 7 different stones inside for extraordinary benefits; -Semi-precious stones; Tiger Eyes, Amethyst, Garnet, Jet stones, Himalayan Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Neodymium magnets, with 2 copper coils (top and base), Red Jasper, Clear Quartz, Copper Brass and Aluminum Metal, gold leaf, Ruby Red.


WEIGHT: approx. 2.0 kg (4,408 lbs)

DIMENSIONS: 6''x 6'' (Base) x 6'' Height approx. / or 15 cm X 15 cm (Base) X 15.0 cm Height approx..

MODEL: UL-3470

TECHNOLOGY: Active with amplification transformer (x 1000 times more powerful in active mode and also without connection in passive mode

TRANSFORMER: Our amplifier generator operates on 110 volts or 220 volts (Europe and others)

PACKAGING: 12 x 12 x 12 inches approx. / 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm approx., 2.1 kg or 4.8 lbs approx.

QTY in package: 1 x Geo-Quantum Pyramid 81.0 Degree (Pyramid Tilt) (9 x Very Large Himalayan X Crystals), 1 x Transformer/Amplifier, 1 x Instruction Booklet, Warranty Certificates and compliance. With serial number.

COLOUR: CLEAR transparent polyester resin

WARRANTY: 25 years

#BARCODE: 600291593986

Come with instructions in FR/EN and warranty certificate


EN FR our pyramid ideal for meditation Orgo Life.com 800px

The pyramid

The pyramid shape helps to neutralize any access to harmful waves for our health. It is for this reason that it is increasingly used by people who rightly or wrongly apprehend the "subtle energy attacks" of wicked people. Installed near the pyramid, tools, food and living beings benefit from curious positive waves. When you are next to a Pyramid, it comforts you and reassures you if you fear being disturbed by people considered evil. This real calamity that generates jealousy, nowadays wreaks havoc at all levels of the family, community and society. He spares no one and can go so far as to endanger each of us. Protecting yourself has therefore become a completely natural reflex.

The special power of the pyramid can be best felt when the pyramid is aligned with the magnetic north pole. Countless researchers around the world have found that the pyramid shape alone has some remarkable energy properties.

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Also known to repel negative energy and harmful electromagnetic waves. Our homes are a cesspool of harmful electromagnetic pollution from our phones, Wi-Fi, and other electrical devices. The Pyramid effectively absorbs and transmutes these waves into a productive and healing wavelength. This is one of the main advantages of this pyramid that attracts people! It protects your body from its harmful effects.

Cleaner water. Water that has rested near the pyramid will taste better (about 5 minutes) and is also healthier.

Purifies the atmosphere. Hence the popular practice of offering pyramids to areas affected by EMF pollution.

Many people have experienced instant relief with a simple pendant, although if you are highly sensitive to EMF radiation you may need to place more pieces such as: your jewellery, sacred objects, letter, written intentions or the like near your pyramid.

These pyramids are made with a minimum ratio of 40/60 resin/metals & stones.

****All Orgo-Life's are created in a positive and loving environment. stained with sage and charged with either sun/moon depending on the destination of each of our Orgo-Life units!


EN FR Pyramids Fonction Orgo Life.com the geometry adapted from 640px

As with all handcrafted items using natural elements, variations in color, clarity, composition are to be expected.

Nothing is perfect... If it was, it wouldn't be handmade.

All of our Orgo-Life pyramids contain 9 quartz crystal points (UL-3479). These are placed at the tip of the pyramid, and at its base pointing in the 8 directions (UL-3479) of Feng Shui according to the pattern. The natural tips of the crystals help create an energy field.

Pyramid Amplifier

The pyramids therefore have a much stronger and more directed flow of energy and a wider radius of effect. Psychics and energy sensitive people will often observe a beam of energy coming out of the top of the pyramid - most people can feel this by waving their hand in the air above the pyramid and describing it as a feeling of warmth or tingling or pressure on the palm of the hand.

These Pyramids were created with the specific intentions of banishing negative energies and entities while cleansing home and person. The main intention is to bring harmony into all aspects of your life (the grounding). A pyramid functions as a transmitter to direct intention. By charging it with your thoughts, it will manifest and harmonize!

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When adopting an Orgo-Life® you are buying first and foremost an artisan product. When you purchase any of our product units, there are all made according to a standard production recipe,  (weight, parts, and assembly are all the same) but the little artistic differences,  copper logos and size of the way the stones are naturally made, your unit will be 95% close to the picture you now see.

First are foremost it will be unique in the world with its own unique serial number and the model. So remember your purchase shall be 95% close to the picture you see, all our unit are randomly chosen for each new customer, it is the chosen one especially for you. They are very small defects; tiny whole, minor little cuts etc.. When looking at you unit very closely, this is why they are handmade after all.  But looking at it from at 1-3 feet distance they become perfect sacred ceremony objects as well. This is very normal for any Orgo-Life® product.

We sent you the tracking number immediately (24-48 hours) after a purchase, but we deliver to post offices within 7-10 days only, because it is handmade some products must be in production (depending on the selected model). Thanks for understanding.

Note that; that your Orgo-Life® device is handmade, they all have small mini defects, very small holes, etc... when looked at very closely 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) , but at a good distance of 1.5 feet and more, they look perfect. Due to the manual work and the polyester resin product with the Orgo-Life, it is normal to look like this. Orgo-Life is a unique technology that can only be made by hand. It is above all an artisanal product.

Our devices do not claim to cure any disease or illness. Disclaimer: In the event of a serious medical condition, please seek the help and advice of a qualified medical professional. The potential health benefits have not been evaluated by national medical licensing bodies.

Johanne Simon on 26-08-2022 11:03 PM
Bonjour je suis du Lac-Saint-Jean, Saguenay au QC., Depuis que j'ai la pyramide je m' en sert tous les jours pour mes méditations et manifestations, Wow, je peux vous dire que toutes mes demandes sont exaucées ou presque. Je parle à ma pyramide comme je parle à vous. Je ressens les énergies meme chez mes voisins, que c' est puissant et merveilleux , Merci
Bruno Guertin on 20-09-2022 12:35 AM
Mais oui le directeur des ventes de la série thérapeutique énergétique Pro de Marieville donne son témoignages: Petite expérience que je viens de vivre avec la pyramide 81 degrés cette pyramide d'intention, de souhait, de communication avec l'au-delà, voici mon expérience.

Je suis allé à l'Hôtel de Ville rencontrer l'urbanisme comme je voulais que mon projet de la clinique à Marieville Orgo-life soit en bonne éduforme je suis allez demander un permis quand j'ai un terrain commercial et je me disais que je les mettent une enseigne lumineuse pour m'annoncer.

À ma grande surprise je n'ai pas été très bien reçu on me dit que ce n'est sûrement pas possible à cause que je demeure dans le même bâtiment que je veux exploiter.

J'ai beau leur dire qu'à ma droite ils ont parti un restaurant à ma gauche un auteur le quatrième voisin à gauche il fait de la physio et il me faut comme réponse une habite pas leur maison donc ça m'étonnerait que ça vous soit accordé.

Alors je leur dis que si je comprends bien je devrais soit quitter la maison ou aller me louer un local à 2500 $ , 20 fois trop grand pour rien. Et comme il est possible que je fasse qu'un ou deux clients par jour à mes débuts je n'arrive carrément pas à payer le loyer.

Donc au retour chez moi en regardant ma table d'inventaire je fixe mes yeux sur la pyramide 81 degrés et je me dis je vais écrire mon souhait et le déposer en dessous de la pyramide.

Tantôt je reçois un téléphone de l'urbanisme me disant que ma demande a été acceptée que je devais faire un croquis à la main eux qui me demandait des plans d'ingénieurs à la base et que là tout simplement leur dessiner à la main et que cela avait été accepté. Je prends la peine de leur demander est-ce que je pourrais mettre une enseigne lumineuse et il me répond que oui sans aucun problème. Je prends la peine de préciser en leur demandant à coup que c'est autorisé c'est un droit que j'aurais pour toujours vous ne pouvez plus reprendre mon ce droit, ils me disent oui pour toujours viens signer les papiers demain à 1h PM.

Wow la pyramide 81 degrés c'est vraiment puissant, merci Orgo-life.

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231 Sherbrooke Street, #262, Magog
QC., Canada,   J1X 3W8



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