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Our notice of Health Disclaimer for all the Orgo-Life® Therapeutic units & tools
Our notice of Health Disclaimer for all the Orgo-Life® Therapeutic units & tools

Health Disclaimer

Article Word Count: 867



480x147px EN Disclaimer www.orgo life.com



Our devices do not claim to cure any disease or illness.

Disclaimer: In the event of a serious medical condition, please seek the help and advice of a qualified medical professional.

The potential health benefits have not been evaluated by national medical licensing bodies.



The information provided by Orgo-Life® Technology (including its directors, employees and representatives throughout the following text), on its website, on the Internet, on social media or at events such as trade shows or conferences cannot never replace the link between you and your doctor or health care professional. The techniques and information mentioned here are general and informative only and in no way seeks to replace any advice, diagnosis or treatment. Before making any medical decisions, or if you have any questions regarding your personal medical condition and even before dealing with Orgo-Life® Technology, be sure to speak to a doctor or qualified health care professional. Always heed the advice of healthcare professionals, and never delay soliciting these people because of the information presented by Orgo-Life® Technology. Each situation is unique and the general information we publish may not apply to you. If you think your medical situation is urgent, call your doctor right away or call 911.

If in doubt, it is better to follow your heart and not go further with what we offer you here. Consult your doctor before you go any further with everything we offer. We are not here to harm you but really to help you improve your overall health as a whole. Perhaps what we are offering does not apply to you personally, so in such a situation it would be best to consult your doctor or qualified health care professional.

In addition, we make every effort to ensure that the information we disseminate is always accurate and reliable, but we cannot guarantee its completeness, nor the total absence of error.

 Orgo-Life® Technology assumes no responsibility for the quality of the information or services offered ... ditto for other organizations, people or bodies, nor does it endorse a service, product, treatment or technical in particular.

Several information and products presented by Orgo-Life® Technology have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or "Health Canada" (SC). In addition, the techniques and products described by Orgo-Life® Technology are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition whatsoever. On the other hand, they can in certain cases provide general information which may lead a person to consult his qualified health professional for a medical evaluation, or other, depending on his situation. Our primary goal is to help people improve their quality of life in a natural and 100% organic way. Whether by wearing Orgo-Life® Technology or using Magickey Teknik® tools to improve well-being, either by using techniques and accessories available here that can allow you to “Self-Maintain” by yourself same naturally, and this of course, as far as possible, simply by activating correspondence points on the network of your meridians and by other simple techniques. Or, using the patented ORGO-LIFE® TECHNOLOGY or  MAGICKEY TEKNIK® products for the same reasons mentioned above.

In conclusion, the information contained on our site, or elsewhere, does not claim to consist of medical advice, but only for educational and general purposes. Please do not use this information to diagnose, treat, or prescribe, or to use it as a substitute for the services of a qualified health care professional, as this is really not our purpose. We offer you effective options that have been used in different places for a long time for your entertainment and to help you “Self-Maintain” by yourself.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, wearing a pacemaker, if you have had radiation therapy, if you are taking blood thinning medicines, if you are under the influence of strong drugs or alcohol, if you are or even if you have a serious illness and you are followed regularly, consult your doctor before using our products, our accessories or our Self-Care techniques. Your doctor is the best trained and qualified health professional to guide and help you. So, do not forget to consult it for any questions or for any uncertainty. If you still have any doubts, then go no further with what we have to offer here and consult your health care professional right away.

Thank you for the time you have taken to read our "Disclaimer" and for your interest in Orgo-Life®, you are very important to us. You will understand that this is all for your entertainment and to help you "Self-Maintain" by yourself. Of course, for those who will try the experience, thank you for your trust, thank you for your collaboration and thank you for the good that you will do to the people around you in addition to helping yourself " Maintain". Investing a little time individually to maintain your health is also working in isolation to reduce our real health costs borne by our collective taxes. Thank you ! The direction.

If any questions  please contact us here on the link below:

The Administration of Orgo-Life Technology®

June 1st,  2022


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231 Sherbrooke Street, #262, Magog
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