Orgo-Life 5G & EMF Quantum Equalizer Technology®

Made exclusively in Canada
By the Renewable Free Energy Foundation of Canada for Orgo-Life®
The research center is in Calgary, since 2011 research has been carried out in order to develop the maximum efficiency for the energies of the human body. Meridian studies also for the Magickey Teknik® World Academy.
Trusted by several research centers around the world, the Foundation develops several products for the registered trademarks Orgo-Life® and Magickey Teknik®.
The foundation has several scientific devices that allow the measurement of energies such as: Chi Prana, the energy of the meridians of the body, the aura, the vibrations, the frequencies and also measures the energy of life.
Through constant development at the foundation better tools are developed for better overall health.
Aruna Chy is the president of this Foundation.
Arunda Sli is the volunteer director of research.
UL-3439 (with 4 Himalayan crystals, available end of April 2022) “WARRIOR” necklace,
Our most powerful pendant in the world!
Warrior pendant with Energy boost, 4 Himalayan Quartz crystals (very high vibration) and super powerful garnets.
Ideal for coping well with difficult situations and staying well balanced while harmonizing your energies throughout your body:
UL-3440 (with 8 Himalayan crystals & Quantum Push Technology) LIMITED EDITION
Necklace "SUPER WARRIOR", LIMITED EDITION of the Warrior of Light, Our necklace against negative energies.
A ready to wear that will transform all your colleagues and protect you. With Orgo-Life Quantum Push Technology®, extremely powerful as a protective medallion. 8 Himalayan crystals, charoite stone and red ruby stone.
UL-5020 Orgo-Life Dome Technology with Quantum Push, (Gardening and Agriculture)
Beneficial effect in agriculture-horticulture
How to arrange and place the Dome Technology Gardening Kit a ORGO-LIFE 5G & EMF QUANTUM EQUALIZER TECHNOLOGY® Geo-Quantum Energy Life Tablet in the center of your plants or trees directly in the ground or in your greenhouse.
Put the large dome in your garden square or rectangle shape, and install in a way that will cover your square with the smaller modules inside your square or rectangle.
UL-3405 (For large cities, with 6 crystals) TOXIC WAVES PROTECTION
UL-3405 (For large cities, with 6 crystals)
2X stronger protection against EMF and 5G & 6G, READY FOR ALL MAJOR CITIES WHERE WI-FI and EMF are very abundant.
The Generator model UL-3405 to counter the effects of 5G and electromagnetic fields (routers, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, computers etc…) With Unique Orgo-Life 5G & EMF Quantum Equalizer Technology®.
UL-3407 Electromagnetic Field Protection and 5G…
THE DESCRIPTION : The Generator model UL-3407 to counter the effects of 5G and electromagnetic fields (routers, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, computers etc…) With Unique Orgo-Life 5G & EMF Quantum Equalizer Technology®.
This device will transmute all the energies of the electromagnetic fields in order to make them into better waves (therefore less harmful)
UL-3470 (5 Large Himalayan Crystals) Pyramid XL (6'' x 6'' X 6'') with Active/Passive Technology
UL-3470 (5 large Himalayan crystals)
Pyramid XL (6'' x 6'' X 6'') with Active / Passive technology, 81 degree (of inclination of the pyramid) VERY HIGH POWER, with TECHNOLOGY Orgo-Life power supply transformer.
Great for wish manifestation, potency boost and ultimate power
UL-3600 (7 Large Himalayan Crystals) Super-Chef family size round table
UL-3600 (7 Great Himalayan Crystals)
Super-Chef family size round tablet 6'' diameter 145-180 g. of Himalayan crystals, with TECHNOLOGY Orgo-Life power transformer. ACTIVE / PASSIVE, Ideal for Energy charging and transforming the taste of all your food dishes and your favorite water or drink.
UL-3510 (5 Grands Cristaux Himalayen) avec technologies ACTIVE / PASSIVE
UL-3510 (5 Large Himalayan Crystals)
Super Deluxe Geo-Quantum Tablet (9 x 9 square inches) ACTIVE/PASSIVE (Orgo-Life® Exclusive Technology) square shaped / sacred geometry.
Over ½ pound of Himalayan crystals (255-320 grams weight), or 5 large Himalayan crystals, high vibration) with TECHNOLOGY Orgo-Life® power transformer and over 17 semi-precious stones.
And our exclusive Orgo-Life® “ACTIVE” Amplification TECHNOLOGY.
UL-3515 (7 Great Himalayan Crystals) complete for home therapy
UL-3515 (7 Great Himalayan Crystals)
Deluxe Geo-Quantum ACTIVE/PASSIVE Super Energy Tablet (Orgo-Life® Exclusive Technology) 9 x 9 inches square, square shaped / sacred geometry. 7 Giant Himalayan Crystals.
• Almost over 1 lbs or more, Himalayan Crystals 395-485 grams approx weight), i.e. 7 large Himalayan Crystals, high vibration) with Orgo-Life® TECHNOLOGY power transformer and over 27 semi-precious stones. Of which the Terahertz has more than 90 gr. And two Kunzite of 100 gr.
• And our exclusive “ACTIVE” Orgo-Life® Amplification TECHNOLOGY.
• With the 6 directions in Chinese Feng Shui of amplification and sending Positive energies.
UL-3519 (9 x Very Large Himalayan Crystals) LIMITED EDITION
UL-3519 (9 x very large Himalayan crystals)
"The most powerful energy charging plate in the world"
Super Deluxe Geo-Quantum SUPER PLUS+, with Orgo-Life 5G exclusive Active/Passive & EMF Quantum Equalizer Technology®, with an Orgo-Life® transformer/amplifier. 9 Giant Himalayan Crystals. Square shaped (9" X 9" base) / sacred geometry.
• Over 2 pounds of Himalayan crystals (900-1100 grams approx.), 9 very large x Himalayan crystals, high vibration) with TECHNOLOGY Orgo-Life® power transformer and over 33 semi-precious stones.