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Product Code: OH-5523
Availability: 25

Price: $85.00

OH-5523 ​​Magickey Teknik® Quantum Harmonizing Wand, emits 1,500 – 2,000 negative ions.

The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand is naturally self energizing and is developed by Nano Fusion which is a unique and beneficial combination of crystals and minerals, which generate a high concentration of SCALAR ENERGY, NEGATIVE IONS, crystal energy and magnetic energy. in a single protective power field.

The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand restores synchronization with the zero point field. It is called "phase-locked" because it creates a vortex of energy that helps re-establish synchronization with the zero-point field.

When a part of the body goes out of synchronization it loses its vitality, does not heal effectively and can become ill. It can happen following an injury, an emotional shock, an unhealthy diet... in short, it happens to all of us!

This pencil lets you be the natural healer you know you are. You can harness and mobilize the energy of the zero-point field. Just move the pencil over the places that hurt you, where you have wrinkles, or any other place where you need to find harmony and health.

Its external structure is made of food grade stainless steel (316); it is stable and neutral.

Inside, 4 technologies are combined:

- Negative ion generator

- Germanium with harmonized resonance

- Molybdenum magnet

- Far infrared generator

You can use it in several ways:

- On pain areas of the body

- To structure and basicify your water and beverages

- On the navel to increase your energy level

- Go around your chakras

- On acupuncture meridians and trigger points

- On wrinkles (make circular gestures)

- About yourself, your friends, your pets.

The results are usually very fast, a few minutes are enough to feel the benefits.

About Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand:


The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand emits energy that rejuvenates the molecular structure of any type of fluid. This creates a very high degree of oxygenation, better taste and longer shelf life. Renewed molecular water strains are similar to those found in healthy natural spring water. Like fruits and vegetables, the human body is just as slow to lose its molecular structure strains as it ages. These can be recharged at the molecular level, to produce renewed energy, using the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand.

The natural concentration of hydrogen in water is extremely important for the well-being of the body. Molecular structure water leads to a tremendous increase in oxygen flow in the blood, makes you feel young, fresh and energetic.

It also gives you the energy to meet the challenges of everyday life with a positive attitude. Improved oxygen flow helps detoxify the body. It even improves the body's ability to absorb nutrients. If the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand is placed under your bed, you will gradually, but quickly, improve your sleep as the body's positive chi/prana energies flow naturally when activated in a healthy way.


Intended to improve your health:


The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand works on individual cells balancing the

The body's chi and speed up the healing process. Precisely targeting the immune system

And calms the nervous system.

The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand emits energy that rejuvenates the molecular structure of any type of fluid. This creates a very high degree of oxygenation, better taste and longer shelf life. The molecular strains of renewed water are similar to those found in healthy natural spring water. Like fruits and vegetables, the human body slowly loses its molecular structure strains as we age.


These can be recharged at the molecular level, to produce renewed energy, using the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand.


The natural concentration of hydrogen in water is extremely important for the well-being of the body. Molecular-structured water dramatically increases oxygen flow in the blood, making you feel young, fresh and energetic. It also gives you the energy to meet the challenges of everyday life with a positive attitude. Improved oxygen flow helps detoxify the body. It even improves the body's ability to absorb nutrients. If Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand is placed under your bed, your sleep will improve gradually, but quickly, as the body's positive chi/prana energies flow naturally when activated in a healthy way.


Properties of the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand:


Helps our body to obtain a homeostatic condition, ie. that the different organs of the body are part of an optimal cooperation. Strengthens the bioenergetic field of the body. Relieves pain and discomfort and speeds up the body's natural healing process


Works against depression and depressive states.


Revitalizes, strengthens and neutralizes the harmful elements of the foods we eat, the liquids we drink and oils, creams, etc. Vitalizing our entire system, which can then better absorb the revitalized nutrients. Clears blockages and strengthens the flow of energy in our body. Stimulates bodily functions and strengthens our immunity.


SCALAR ENERGY has no negative side effects Unique and beneficial combination of crystals and minerals, which generate a high concentration of SCALAR ENERGY, NEGATIVE IONS, crystal energy and magnetic energy in one protective field.

Properties of the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand:

Helps our body to obtain a homeostatic condition, ie. that the various organs of the body are part of an optimal cooperation.
Strengthens the bioenergetic field of the body.
Works against depression and depressive states.
Revitalizes, strengthens and neutralizes harmful elements in the foods we eat, the liquids we drink and in oils, creams, etc. Vitalizing our entire system, which can then better absorb the revitalized nutrients.
Clears blockages and strengthens the flow of energy in our body.
Stimulates bodily functions and strengthens our immunity.
SCALAR ENERGY has no negative side effects unique and beneficial combination of crystals and minerals, which generate a high concentration of SCALAR ENERGY, NEGATIVE IONS, crystal energy and magnetic energy in a single protective field.


Why use the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand:

To balance imbalances in the body.
To release energy blockages in the body.
In order to eliminate distortions in the bioenergetic field.
To release the healing potential of the body.
To activate the foods and liquids you consume, and thus improve your health and that of your family and well-being.
To supplement animal and/or plant energy shortages.
For use in your practice as a healer ie. re?ex points, acupressure points, etc.
To improve the environment in which you live and thereby help yourself and your family.
Besides the high level of SCALAR energy and NEGATIVE IONS, the NANO wand contains over 70 different minerals melted at extremely high temperatures. This creates a very high concentration of CRYSTAL SCALAR ENERGY spreading Creutzfeldt energy with a diameter of up to 500-600 cm. Therefore, when you have the NANO WAND on you, you are protected by an energy field that extends 2-3 feet from your body. The wavelength of Crystal Scaler Energy is the same as the human body's own wavelength when the body is at a normal temperature of 37°C. In addition, Crystal Scaler Energy has an extremely high penetrating ability c is to say. an ability to penetrate at the cellular level, and positively affect the center of our body, including strengthening the immune system.


ENERGY CHARACTERISTICS of the Magickey Teknik® Crystal and Scalar Harmonizing Wand:


Increases your mental focus
Adjusts the energy of our body to its original state and increases the flexibility of the body
Helps activate cells and strengthens the immune system's resistance to disease
Improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism and eliminates mutant cells
Improves oxygen levels in the blood and increases the energy level of the body
MAGNETIC PROPERTIES of the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand:

Body balancing Zwitterions (bipolar ions, i.e. ions containing both positive and negative properties)

Promotes blood circulation and increases blood oxygen levels

Strengthens the immune system

Increases the number of healing negative ions (anions) in the body

Adjusts the balance between negatively charged ions (anions) and positively charged ions

Promotes the body's collaboration between negative and positive ions which improves health
because too large quantities of diseases causing positive ions (cations) are thus avoided

Removes heavy metals and toxins from the blood and transports them into the natural puri of our body
Boost your FOOD and DRINK:

For the food. Fruits and vegetables will have improved taste and longer shelf life.
Place the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand under your bed and it will create an energy field that maintains the electromagnetic field (EMF) of cell phones, cell phone towers, electrical outlets, video game consoles, televisions, etc. . and away from you while you sleep.
Keep it in a pocket or keep it in your bag. Then you are always protected by the energy field of the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand. Nobody asks you if you want to be irradiated by the radiation from his cell phone or his mobile phone mast. So protect yourself!
Use of the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand on zone therapy pressure points / acupressure points / reexology points. You can massage these points on your hands, feet, etc. with the rounded and comfortable tip of your Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand!

1. Specification

A powerful tool to support -- your overall health and well-being...


The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand looks like a pen, but it's not. It contains 11 different natural minerals and crystals fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level intended to improve your health.

The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand works on individual cells balancing the body's chi and accelerating the healing process. Specifically targeting the immune and nervous systems.


Like fruits and vegetables our cells slowly deteriorate with age. By using the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand, these cells can be reactivated at the molecular level. The wand's natural energy can improve sleep patterns, decrease muscle tension, and enhance the body's positive chi energy when worn, carried, or placed under your bed.


The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand is a natural energy generating device. The energy created rejuvenates the molecular structures in all liquids. By waving the wand counterclockwise in any drink, you can create the same resonance found in natural healing springs around the world. This product is designed to work for you and your favorite pets by helping to unblock energy pathways in your body's cells and tissues.

Ultimately, helping balance mind, body and soul.


2. Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand Suggestions


The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand can be used in any way you find beneficial. However, here are some basic suggestions. Point the wand as close as possible, or touch it lightly at the area of ​​the body you choose to work on.

Rotate the wand around the area clockwise. Repeat as needed or desired. Use the wand on your hands, fingers and toes to open the meridians of the body using acupressure or acupuncture points.

Additionally, you can use the wand on your face to help rejuvenate the skin.

You can also shake with the wand to energize your drinks or rotate it above your food to energize them as well. By twisting the wand over a drink, the energy spins in the liquid. Or liquid can be poured over the energy wand where it picks up resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters around the world.

As we know, our body is made up of at least 70% water. Water turns to blood within minutes of drinking! It is therefore important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water.

3. Features:


1. To release energy blockages in our body
2. To clear distortions in our bioenergetic field
3. Facilitate body healing
4. To energize foods and liquids, thereby increasing potency
5. On pets and plants to supplement energy deficiency
6. To balance and energize imbalances in the body
7. To help others with aches, pains and other ailments
8. Energize the environment we live in



1. Helps our body achieve homeostasis conditions.
2. Assist the bio energy field of our body to source Zero Point energy.
3. Soothes us from pain, discomfort and supports the healing path.
4. Energizes the liquid we drink and the food we eat by increasing the

5. Neutralizes harmful elements (energetically) from the liquid we drink and from food

that we eat.
6. Energizes creams, oils for better nutrient absorption.
7. Facilitates and strengthens the flow of energy in our body.
8. Unblocks and strengthens the flow of energy in our body.
9. Stimulates bodily functions and boosts immunity.


Comprised of a special combination of granular minerals, processed using our own proprietary Amie Technology fusion technology to resonate with Zero Point Energy to help our bodies generate Universal Life Force, the energy our bodies need .

Use of the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand:

To unload energy blockages in our body
To erase the distortions in our bio energy field
To facilitate the healing of the body
To energize foods and liquids, thereby increasing potency.
On animals and plants to supplement energy deficiency
To balance & energize body imbalances
To help others from aches, pains and other ailments
Energize the environment we live in
The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand and its advantages:


Helps our body achieve homeostasis
Help our body's bio energy field source zero point energy
Soothes pain, soothes discomfort and supports the pathway to energy healing.
Energize the liquid we drink, and the food we eat by increasing the
Vibratory Power.
Neutralizes harmful elements (energetically) from the liquid we drink and the food we eat.
Energizes creams and oils for better nutrient absorption
Facilitate and strengthen the flow of energy in our body
Unblock and strengthen the flow of energy in our body
Boost bodily functions and boost immunity

How to use it:

Point the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand and twist clockwise three, nine, or eighteen times
For more efficiency, point as close as possible to the desired surface.
You can also stir liquids with a Nano wand (with proper hygiene).
Use the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand on the face to rejuvenate the skin
Use the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand to energize your food and water
Tap and rotate at least three times on all fingertips and toes to unlock energy blockages
5. Frequently Asked Questions


1. What's in it?

The Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand contains natural minerals that are structurally bonded together at the molecular level using high temperature fusion methods.

2. What does he do?
It diffuses the energy of the fused minerals to the treated subject.

3. How does it work?

The fusion technique in the manufacturing process imbues the wand with a permanent, non-diminishing resonance that can be transferred to any other liquid substance, body, food, etc. This process of energy transfer has the effect of stimulating the renewal of molecular chains, thus restoring health.

4. Does it contain a battery?
No. It also requires no maintenance. Except cleaning after use.

5. How to use the nano wand?

Point the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand and twist clockwise 3,9,18 times
For more efficiency, point as close as possible
You can also stir liquids with the Nano Wand (with proper hygiene)
Use the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand on the face to rejuvenate the skin
Use the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand for oxidation spots and spots on your skin.
Use the Magickey Teknik® Harmonizing Wand to energize your food and water.
This device comes with the following:



QUANTITY: 1 x Magickey Teknik® Style Pen-like Harmonizer Wand & 1 x Leather Case

MATERIALS: Stainless steel, minerals, lava rock, etc.

WARRANTY: 5 year limited warranty

FUNCTION: Human Body Energy Therapy (Meridians)
SIZE: Length: 14.5 cm / 5.74 inch X 1.2 cm / 0.50 inch

BAR CODE UPC: 650045986441

With instruction booklet in French and English

Our devices do not claim to cure any disease or illness. Disclaimer: In the event of a serious medical condition, please seek the help and advice of a qualified medical professional. The potential health benefits have not been evaluated by national medical licensing bodies.

Sophie Dufour on 13-08-2022 03:26 PM
Bonjour je suis de Laval, QC., cela fait plus de 4 ans que j'utilise cet appareil acheté durant mes cours de Magickey Teknik avec Aruna Chy. C'est fantastique et je l'utilise meme dans mes jus d'orange le matin, cela adoucit l'acidité en quelques minutes. Si je me brûle cela prend 3 minutes et c'est parti! Merci beaucoup
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