You are invited to write to me in private to have my address and confirm your presence.
Thank you, I look forward to meeting you.
Hello everyone, first of all, I would like to thank you for your great loyalty during the year 2022. For 2023, I have even more surprises in store for you, follow this announcement.
In Marieville we have the first center in the world of pro Orgo-life® energetic therapeutic care with MedBeds
Coming in English sub-titles soon!
In the first week of January I will have two pro energy therapeutic Nenmus tables, 300 times stronger than the current ones thanks to the new booster. For those who already know the current experience you have no idea how it will mess your hair up.
Soon we will have 5 pro energetic therapeutic treatment tables. You will be able to come in groups of 5 the ideal number in the cars. Yes in the space of 60 minutes you will spend 5 friends at the same time, unheard of, you can now make groups of friends. For those who do not like to plan in advance you will be able to access an appointment you without an appointment simply by calling me or by seducing him on our new dating site which will arrive soon, and I will probably answer you yes I have one from where two free places you can come…
The new Orgo-Life® Quantum pointers will also appear, we will be able to describe directly. There will also be the new sleeves that we will add to the triple to the talkative chest and leg warmer that we already know. As well as a helmet that will work on the third eye, ears and teeth. There will also be the new baguette à Merlin. I'm stopping here to reserve a few more novelties for you that will appear during the winter.
As an authorized dealer and sales manager, I invite you to the South Shore of Montreal in Marieville to our first pro energy therapeutic center Orgo-life®
Welcome to all with appointment or without appointment
Bruno Guertin
Therapeutic Sales Director
To reserve or for more information: 514-968-4127
Or by email:
PLEASE RSVP as places are limited.
225 Rue Claude-de-Ramezay,Marieville, Quebec, J3M 1G3, Canada