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Testimonials from our satisfied customers with Orgo-Life

Testimonials from our satisfied customers with Orgo-Life

Article Word Count: 1979

Testimonials from our satisfied customers with Orgo-Life products


 Our devices do not claim to cure any disease or illness. Disclaimer: In the event of a serious medical condition, please seek the help and advice of a qualified medical professional. The potential health benefits have not been evaluated by national medical licensing bodies.


with Jeannine Perrault from Trois-Rivières, Qc, The miracles that her Orgo-Life tablet has done since its use….

On Saturday, July 16, Jeannine goes to the Mandala Sacre in Trois-Rivières, to come and meet the Orgo-Life team, which is then exhibiting for its products.

Jeannine has a background of depression for more than 10 years. She came to buy a Corporate series energy tablet UL-3619, has 9 Himalayan crystals. She says this is as a present for her brother….

Since having tried the tablet for her before giving it to her brother…

She never left the tablet again, she says that depression no longer exists in her. She decided to keep the Tablet to herself, her life has now completely changed.


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with Sylvie Laflamme from Thetford-Mines, Qc, how she uses her Orgo-Life tablet

Sylvie a woman who tries everything to grow every day, she bought a Geo-Quantum UL-3529 tablet last May 2022, since then she has adopted her tablet for all her little discomforts every day .

She tells us an anecdote about a headache she had and how she managed to soothe her discomfort thanks to her tablet.


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with Céline Chrétien of Gatineau, Qc, when the Orgo-Life pyramid order was delivered by Canada Post to her apartment

Céline Chrétien tells us her story when she first received her order from Orgo-Life. She describes to us the effects of this great energy which arrived in her life in her apartment.


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with Céline Chrétien from Gatineau, Qc, her cat's reaction to Orgo-Life

Céline Chrétien is also a depositary in the Gatineau region of Quebec, She tells us here how the cat who had been quite inactive for some time. And how the cat started to react after a few hours of installing several Orgo-Life pyramids in his apartment.


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with a person who wishes to remain anonymous, his impression with his pendant medallions SUPER WARRIOR Orgo-Life, Qc,

She tells us how her pendant helps her to better control her emotions, the changes she noticed thanks to her Orgo-Life pendant….


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with Céline Chrétien from Gatineau, Qc, she tells us about the calming power of Orgo-Life products

Céline  Chrétien tells us about the benefits of the calming energy of Orgo-Life products in her apartment.


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with Marie-Jo Pilon in Quebec, she tells us about her experience with the Orgo-Life Harmonizer Stick / Magickey Teknik from Orgo-Life Products

Marie-Jo has one of her sore throats, she tells us how she managed to calm it down in just a few minutes with her Orgo-Life Harmonizer Stick. 


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with Arunda, live in bed, with a serious stomach discomfort, this is how he managed to calm down and get rid of his discomfort….with the UL-3510 Orgo-Life

Arunda has bought some kind of virus, flu or other things, he has pain in his stomach and chest, it is around midnight at night… thanks to the UL-3510 Orgo-Life unit he manages to recover properly in l within a few minutes….



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 Our devices do not claim to cure any disease or illness. Disclaimer: In the event of a serious medical condition, please seek the help and advice of a qualified medical professional. The potential health benefits have not been evaluated by national medical licensing bodies.


Orgo-Life No. 9 Customer Testimonials, World's Most Powerful UL-3440 Super Warrior Pendant

INTERVIEW-TESTIMONIAL no. 9 with a client of the authorized dealer in the Laurentians; Caroline Godmer. His client comes to tell us about the beneficial effects she has experienced thanks to the SUPER WARRIOR UL-3440 Orgo-Life ® medallion. Either the most powerful pendant in the world in its category. 

 Coming in english subtitles soon!


Testimonial no. 10, a client using the Orgo-Life® Energy Tablets to give energy treatments to all these clients.

Here is the testimony of a therapist who does all her treatments with Orgo-Life® Energy Tablets. How its customers live a memorable experience, how their energies circulate, the benefits it brings to their well-being...
How clients experience this bio-photon energy, completely natural, a quantum experience with Orgo-Life®. 

 Coming in english subtitles soon!


Testimonial #11, a client using Quantum Orgo-Life® sticks to improve her lot with damaged skin for energy treatments.

Urticaria refers to an inflammatory reaction of the skin which is manifested by red patches accompanied by itching which evoke a nettle sting. We speak of giant or generalized urticaria when the plaques are distributed over several parts of the body and join together.
Here is her short testimonial regarding the use of the Orgo-Life harmonizing stick, she is thrilled with her new energetic therapeutic toy. How his energy circulates, the benefits it brings to his well-being...

How clients experience this bio-photon energy, completely natural, a quantum experience with Orgo-Life®. 


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Testimonial 12 client who received Orgo-Life® energy benefits and treatments, how she experienced all this….

Thanks to a tablet or rather a 6-inch corporate Quantum disk, customers have experienced miracles. Here is how the therapist did her energy care; her use of the Orgo-Life® Quantum Disc, she is thrilled with her new energy therapy toy. How its energy circulates, the benefits it brings to its well-being… How clients feel this energy of bio-photons, completely natural, a quantum experience with Orgo-Life®.


 Coming in english subtitles soon!


Testimony #13, Arunda cuts his finger with a light bulb and uses a Super Warrior Medallion (UL-3440) to soothe his pain in less than 40 seconds….

When changing a light bulb, the bulb broke, pieces made very deep cuts....

The locket is very powerful, it contains 8 configuration Himalayan crystals, as well as a real ruby stone, a charoite stone and much more. The special Quantum push technology brings rapid vibrations to the wearer of this pendant. It is the most powerful in the world.

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A client from the Province of Quebec, suffering from allergies since her tender youth, reveals how she manages to better manage all this with her Super Warrior UL-3440 Orgo-Life medallion, in addition she also uses the OH-5523 Orgo-Life harmonizing stick. Life which allows him to soothe his urticaria by 90-95%.
Now thanks to her energetic care she manages to regain her well-being.


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A customer who feels the energies tells us about her experiences with Orgo-life products
Manon Brisette, a woman from the Gatineau, QC. area, purchased last week Orgo-Life products, medallions, a family tablet and a pure silver zapper kit. Since then she tries everything she can in terms of vibrational charge and life energy, all her food, her grass seed, her cake, her water and much more.

She says she feels high energy vibrate ever since. 

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 Céline takes energy care with her new Quantum UL-7000 Generation 2145 device and discovers its benefits.

This unit allows you to ZAP and possibly weaken the membrane of your parasites and others in your fluids, which could eventually promote their elimination.

In the case of Céline from Gatineau, she discovered that her swollen hands diminished after an energy treatment lasting several hours…
You can also make colloidal water every day with the device.

And for those who have the Orgo-Life PRO energy therapy series you can plug it in as a quantum amplifier on your Orgo-Life tablets (PRO SERIES ONLY).

 Coming in english subtitles soon!


Testimony Nathalie Picard; How to change your life this holiday season with Orgo-Life®!

Nathalie has been practicing for years; Massage Therapy, Global Health Consultations, and experience energy vortexes. The planetary grid is made up of circuits that distribute life energy throughout the earth. It's sort of the earth's circulatory system, its network of blood vessels. It is through the energy grid that the health of the Earth is maintained. The important crossroads of the nadis of the human body are centers of energy distribution, the chakras.

The chakras are conical or spherical volumes that cross the subtle bodies and connect the different vibratory levels of the body. Energy from the universe enters through the chakras. The body is not an isolated object adrift on the Earth. It is connected to the cosmos by multiple circuits. It is the same for the body of the Earth which is structured by its vital circuits and by crossroads of energy flows. On some crossroads there are vortices.

As we have seen (Planetary Grid), the grid is not only noticeable on the magnetic physical level, it exists on many dimensional levels. The vortices vertically cross several vibratory levels. Through its grids and vortices, the Earth is connected to the cosmos and receives impulses from the universe. To live fully, the human being depends entirely on the good health of the terrestrial circuits. This is why in these ancient civilizations, a class of people was assigned to oversee, operate and adjust the gates and sacred places. These people were, according to our modern classification of tasks, engineers, guardians of sacred geometry, healers, sages and priests. This science is different from ours, much more subtle, deeper and more generous. She is in tune with life, she works in harmony with it.

 Coming in english subtitles soon!


Energetic testimonial with Super Warrior Orgo-Life® medallions, Clémence D. Mont-Orford Miracle Energetic testimonial with Super Warrior medallions from Orgo-Life®, Clémence D. from Mont Orford, QC. A personal testimony from Clémence D. from Mont-Orford, QC., who tells us about her experience at Orgo-Life® with the famous Super Warrior medallion, how it completely changed her life. Clémence had dizziness since 2005, with medication every day... it was really painful...

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Nathalie has been practicing for years; Massotherapy, Global Health Consultations, Vibratory Care, Traditional Japanese Acupressing, Sale of Orgo-Life Products And Sale of Sacred Geometry. Nathalie says; We all have great potential within us. It's about doing the work to develop it. Nathalie is starting to experiment with treatments with Orgo-Life, she will soon have her energetic treatment table for all these clients.

 Coming in english subtitles soon!


 Our devices do not claim to cure any disease or illness. Disclaimer: In the event of a serious medical condition, please seek the help and advice of a qualified medical professional. The potential health benefits have not been evaluated by national medical licensing bodies.


Testimonial experienced with Medbeds Energetic Orgo-Life® treatments and the corporate tablet UL-3619 Orgo-Life®, Brigitte from Quebec. Testimony experienced a real Energy Miracle in her couple and with the cat… Brigitte from Quebec sees the benefits of energy care and the purchase of her corporate size tablet. A lived testimony from Brigitte, QC., who tells us about her experience at Orgo-Life® with her couple, her intimate life and much more….How it completely changed her life.

By working energetically with the tablet at home, it put her life back on the path to well-being with her couple.

 Coming in english subtitles soon!


Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products
Orgo-Life® Satisfied Customers 2022
Orgo-Life® satisfied customers and distributors coming to the Magog, Qc. Showroom, to buy their products

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231 Sherbrooke Street, #262, Magog
QC., Canada,   J1X 3W8



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