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The power of Himalayan crystals

The power of Himalayan crystals

Article Word Count: 676

One of the great secrets of Orgo-life® products lies in the kind of crystals used to manufacture its devices.


Orgo-life® uses only and only crystals from northern India from the Himalayan chain, either; Himalayan Quartz crystals, high in vibration and ancestral memory.

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Crystal energy is the power that crystals naturally give off and that you are able to use to heal yourself. Some crystals have higher frequencies.

Their strong energy fields can be used to raise your personal vibration.

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The vibrational motion of an atom in a crystal propagates to neighboring atoms, which leads to wavelike propagation of the vibrations throughout the crystal. The way in which these natural vibrations travel through the crystalline structure determine fundamental properties of the material.

Now, researchers have shown that by swapping out just a small fraction of a material's atoms with atoms of a different element, they can control the speed and frequencies of these vibrations.


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The vibrational motion of an atom in a crystal propagates to neighboring atoms, which leads to wavelike propagation of the vibrations throughout the crystal. The way in which these natural vibrations travel through the crystalline structure determine fundamental properties of the material. For example, these vibrations determine how well heat and electrons can traverse the material, and how the material interacts with light.


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Now, researchers have shown that by swapping out just a small fraction of a material's atoms with atoms of a different element, they can control the speed and frequencies of these vibrations. This demonstration, published in Applied Physics Letters, by AIP Publishing, provides a potentially simpler and cheaper way to tune a material's properties, allowing for a wide range of new and more efficient devices, such as in solid-state lighting and electronics.

The natural vibrations of a crystalline material travel as particles called phonons. These phonons carry heat, scatter electrons, and affect electrons' interactions with light. Previously, researchers controlled phonons by dividing the material into smaller pieces whose boundaries can scatter the phonons, limiting their movement. More recently, researchers have engineered nanoscale structures, such as nanowires, into the material to manipulate phonons' speed and frequencies.

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Himalayan Quartz originates from Kullu Valley, Himachal Paredesh region of India. It is often 100% crystallized and has an incredible form of self-healing. These crystals have a serene energy and aid in having and giving 100% in any endeavors they choose to participate in. It exudes bright, uplifting energy – promoting happiness, laughter and well-being.

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The quartz crystals from this place have a strong focus on self-healing for the spiritual and physical levels. Fully crystallized examples inspire global effort, recognition and commitment to overcoming addictions creating high quality lifestyles.

Himalayan Quartz allows us to establish a strong and clean connection with higher guidance. This is Stone carries the vibration of shamanic healers who have lived in the Himalayan mountain regions for centuries. Clean quartz promotes readability of thought and reason at least to the coronary heart and mind. It is believed to possess the "Yang" energies of the mountains, the Himalayan quartz found in the highest points of the Himalayas.

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They are used by holding the stone between the index finger and thumb and gently moving the thumb back and forth across the stone. This transfer motion of his thumb back and forth across the stone can reduce tension.



1-you can hold a crystal during meditation.

2-You can put the quartz crystal in your purse, or your car or you can carry it around all day in your pocket.

3-you can add crystals to your altar

4-you can place it on your chakras.

5-You can place it in the bathroom to create the best energy.

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1-You can simply soak the quartz in a glass of salt water placing near the window, ideally facing south, to charge in the sun.

2-you can coat the crystal quartz with sage, sacred woods of Paolo Santo, sweet herbs, and incense.

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