Hello everyone!
Let me introduce myself, my name is Marie-Pierre Boyer from Gatineau, Qc. Passionate about life, mom, lover, graduate in advertising marketing, diploma in entrepreneurship, massage therapist, beautician, training in energy care, training in personal growth etc…
Coming in English Subtitles soon!
In short, my passion is to take care of people, to help them and to make a difference in their lives. Whether it is to treat pain, to have succeeded in making a person drop out, to bring them great relaxation or to feel beautiful. Contributing to people's well-being is my mission.
I am the Official Dealer in the Gatineau / Ottawa Region for Orgo-life® products, it has really changed my energy, my abundance and much more…
Here contact me I could guide you in the choice to start with the best energy products in the Orgo-Life® World.
To reach Marie-Pierre Boyer in the Gatineau/Ottawa region:
Marie-Pierre Boyer (Ottawa/Gatineau)
Rue Richard-Helmer, Gatineau, Qc., J8Y 1H2
Such. : (819) 790-0048
By appointment only